*We are so excited to launch USANA in India in November 2023 !*
November 2023 को launching हो रही है
4000+ Elite Athletes Trust USANA , Now this Multinational Company is launching in India . Big Chance for Professional Network Marketers , Women Entrepreneurs , Influencers & Wealth Making Opportunity Seekers
Usana Health science की शुरुआत november 1992 में हुई।
USANA HEALTH SCIENCE के founder Mr. Myron W. Wentz हैं।
कंपनी का head office West Valley City, Utah America में है।
Usana Health Sciences is an American multi-level marketing company.
Usana was the 14th largest multi-level marketing company in the world by revenue. DSN LIST #14
Number of employees की बात करे तो 2023 मे total employee 1943 हैं।
Usana Health science FDA
का भी मेंबर है।
Products: Nutritional supplements
weight management
personal care
hair & body care products
Its products are sold in 24 countries via a network of independent distributors
“Exciting news! Usana, the global
leader in health and wellness, is expanding
its business in India! Soon, you’ll have access
to the highest quality supplements, skincare, and nutrition products to support your health and
wellness goals. But that’s not all – we’re also
looking for passionate
and driven individuals to join our team as
business partners! Are
you ready to turn yourdreams into reality and
earn your dream income
with Usana? Stay tuned for more details on this
incredible opportunity!
New big MNC
company launching in
First Incelligence technology products in the world
Company founded by
the scientist not a leader
32 years : 24 country
24 manufacturing plant
Now India new market
it’s mean 25 country market in India of the company
processing done
Usana full profile & business plan
Contact : 7028189532
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