12-23-2021 Tarot Reading: Winter Solstice Charts for Trump Tower & MAL & DonaHealth

Because the cards were so stunning I had to look in detail at the Winter setup in both locations, neither are good for DT.

For Entertainment Purposes Only.

I like having fun with the tarot and have been accused of laughing too much or fear mongering too much… know that we’re here to lighten up, have fun learning new things, and that ultimately we’re all in this together. And when I have to be brutally honest and don’t want to go there but am called to do so…I will be honest with you all.

Warmest welcome new subscribers and viewers; I appreciate you and am so glad that you’re here. Am so blessed to be surrounded by such a loving and heart-centered community, and am immensely grateful to the divine feminine, Z-Chironess, and our consummate moderators.

This channel was started in 2019 as I was seeing what was ahead of us for 2020; we are in a radical transformation on a global, and national scale. For me, and in the short term, USA is in roughtly 3 stage process of transformation. 2020 was stage 1, the worst and most challenging and the toughest part. 2021 brings about different change and adaptation and vision, and 2022 is our official USA Pluto return. We needed the grit and grind of 2020 to get us to and hopefully, through 2022.

School psychologist, avid astrologer junky, tarotscope artist, asteroid hunter, Mer-goat whisperer. Asterometeorology, astronutrition, and sports astrology are my passions – yet this political astrology thing interrupted everything. And… led me to the tarot. Never heard of them until late 2018; and picked up my first deck December 26, 2018. And never looked back.

This channel is a living breathing medium of this tarot journey I share with all of you and the power of nonphysical and spirit and the cosmos rushing through my psychic Virgo hands. I have no other way to describe these hands as my Ohana, my ancestors on all the Hawaiian Islands all claim that I got “the gift.”

Twitter: @z_tarot
To donate to my channel: https://paypal.me/ZQueensTarot

Thank you for your continued support & patronage.

#tarot #astrology #trumptower #winter #MAL #queenstarot
