2018: Mental Health Wellness and Common Disorders

“Mental Health Wellness and Common Disorders” by Dr. Phillip Lowe

When a friend says, “I am a little depressed, anxious, or OCD,” does it mean your friend has a mental disorder? What makes an emotional issue a disorder? What do you know about the common clinical disorder, such as depression, anxiety, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive, phobia, psychosis, PTSD, bipolar disorders?

This workshop will explain the above-mentioned mental health disorders in plain language, as well as, offer helpful tips on how to live with strong mental health despite our stressful lifestyles.

For more information,

For more information, contact enlightenmh@gmail.com

The views expressed in presentations made at the Enlighten Mental Health Seminar are those of the speaker and not, necessarily, of the Enlighten Mental Health Ministry or Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks.

The speakers in these videos are providing information and should not be taken as medical advice. In case of an emergency please contact a professional, specialist or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
