2B Pregnant With Ilana Muhlstein

Calling all moms 2B — we’re excited to announce the launch of 2B Pregnant, due in January 2022!

Now you’ll have the tools you need to help you eat delicious, satisfying food, with a positive mindset, and the confidence that you’re doing the very best for your health and your growing baby.

What Is 2B Pregnant?

Registered Dietician Ilana Muhlstein, M.S., R.D.N., created 2B Pregnant to help you navigate the challenges of eating during pregnancy while creating a lifetime of healthy habits for you and your family.

Even if you already follow a healthy eating plan, a positive pregnancy test can throw your good intentions out the window.

After all, you’re eating for two, right?

In reality, “eating for two” doesn’t give you a free pass to indulge all your cravings or eat crazy amounts of food.

But emotions are high, and the cravings are real, so now more than ever you need great nutrition support.

Ilana designed 2B Pregnant to help you thrive during your pregnancy — and after the baby arrives.

You’ll focus on all the delicious food you CAN have while helping optimize your nutrition for each trimester to support your baby’s growth and development.

Ilana will share her most effective strategies for overcoming obstacles like cravings, emotional eating, managing weight gain, nausea, indigestion, constipation, and exhaustion.

And she’ll help you reframe your mindset so you can stay positive throughout your pregnancy.

Why Do I Need 2B Pregnant?

2B Pregnant is designed to help expectant moms eat well for a healthier, happier pregnancy.

Trimester-specific nutrition suggestions will support you through all stages of your pregnancy.

What Does 2B Pregnant Include?

  • Quick videos that address a variety of topics every pregnant woman cares about — cravings, carbs, constipation, and more — all easy to watch from your bed, couch, floor, or wherever you’re comfortable. (No judgment here!)
  • How to follow Ilana’s Plate It! method in each trimester, to help you manage your weight gain.
  • How to boost flavour and eat well, even with nausea and exhaustion.
  • Simple strategies to help with cravings and emotional eating.
  • Trackers, food lists, and some recipes to help you stay focused and organized, even with “pregnancy brain.”
  • How Ilana’s Superstar Foods can nourish your body with the right nutrients for you and your baby.
  • How to overcome obstacles and create a positive mindset for the long term.
  • Tools to get back on track postpartum.

Who Is Ilana Muhlstein, Creator of 2B Pregnant?

Ilana is a registered dietician nutritionist — and a mom.

With three pregnancies of her own, plus her work with pregnant women in private practice, she understands the challenges faced by moms 2B.

Ilana was an obese child and lost over 100 pounds using the principles that became the 2B Mindset weight-loss program she created.

She has a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and dietetics from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in applied nutrition from Northeastern University.

She sits on the executive leadership team for the American Heart Association and is also a contributing writer for publications such as SELF and the Journal of Obesity.

She’s the bestselling author of the book, You Can Drop It!

Where Can I Find Even More Recipes and Support During My Pregnancy?

Join BODi (Beachbody On Demand Interactive) to connect with other moms 2B in our exclusive community for motivation, accountability, and emotional support.

With BODi, you’ll get new recipes, meal plans, and grocery lists every month, along with expert advice on a variety of nutrition topics.

When Does 2B Pregnant Launch?

Our new addition is due January 2022!

You’ll find 2B Pregnant under the Nutrition tab on Beachbody On Demand.

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