3 Power Words To Eliminate Your Negative Core Beliefs

Negative core beliefs have the potential to run all of a persons behaviours and raise their anxiety levels. The reason is because these beliefs are a part of the subconscious minds conditioning, which are separate belief systems to that of the conscious minds. Today we dive deep into 3 power words you can use in your inner dialogue to bring you progress over anxiety and end these negative core beliefs.

Many people become very surprised when I remind them that they have two separate beliefs. The ones they consciously know about and the ones that actually run their lives, the ones they don’t know about. We can refer to these negative core beliefs as ones coming from our inner child mind (here’s a video from my YouTube channel that will help you to understand), and here’s why:

Our earliest and most repeated experiences form the programming for who we are, what we deserve, and what reality is.

negative core beliefs

What this means for an anxiety sufferer is that unless we utilize the right mindset and apply the right skill sets in order to re-program these negative core beliefs, our anxiety disorder may be a part of us for quite some time. That’s not fair to anyone. This is why we must begin understanding how to communicate with the inner child in order to provide safety and congruence between the adult (advanced and experienced) and child mind.

To bring resolve as well as a fresh new perspective to our childhood memories is crucial (reframing). But what’s just as important is the way we respond to our negative core beliefs when they arise throughout the day. If we can be effective and consistent in our cognitive, verbal, and behavioural responses we can begin the healing process.

Negative core beliefs are protective signs coming from the inner child, they are not meant to harm you.

This means we must be gentle and understanding towards the parts of us we don’t like. As long as we hold the same hatred and anger towards the parts of us we want to detach from we’ll always be fighting an uphill battle. Instead, we must come from an understanding place, so today is that day where we begin healing from these negative core beliefs once and for all.

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