3 Things You Must Understand About Your Health Anxiety Today

Your health anxiety can be eliminated once and for all with the right guidance, skill sets, and moments of courage. Just make sure the lessons from today’s podcast is learned.

When most people think about health anxiety they think about the fear of dying.

However, I believe it has more to do with the fear of truly living. You see, when people get let down and put down enough times we create these self fulfilling prophecies that lead to a fear of living out our true unique selves. When this becomes the case we unconsciously build habits around protection which diminishes any sense of creativeness we once had.

Your health anxiety doesn’t have to rule your decisions or rule you anymore.

your health anxiety

This is why the 3 things I talk about in relation to your Hypochondria today is so important. It’s not meant to motivate you but it is meant to open your mind up enough to trust in opening your heart up to true answers. Health anxiety sufferers live by the rules set by an over-thinking mind. Problems don’t necessarily get solved this way only more questions begin arising. This leads to an endless loop of fear and confusion.

There will however come a moment when you’re truly finished with playing the part you feel society wants you to play.

When this moment arises self love and self respect starts sneaking back into your life. The things you see, hear and feel changes and you literally come to the conclusion that fear is a time waster, nothing more or less. So take a moment to take a deep breath in and listen to today’s anxiety guy podcast episode (on YouTube if you prefer) with an open mind. These are the lessons that will carry you towards freedom.

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My Books on Amazon:

Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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F*** Coping Start Healing (2nd book) is now out on Amazon and you can pick up your copy today:

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