400kg of cannabis flower delivered to Germany from Together Pharma in Uganda

In this video we interview Nir Sosinsky the Managing Director of Together Pharma based in Israel and Uganda. Recently Together Pharma made global news on the 16th of October by exporting 400kg of high THC flower to Germany from its Ugandan facility. In this interview we discuss the quality considerations related to the export of this GACP (Good Agricultural Collection Practices) flower to a partner German GMP facility. Together Pharma has a track record of exports to Israel including a 600kg shipment in March 2020 and a 1.7 tonnes in January 2021. To help facilitate local African access to cannabinoid and cannabis medications, Together Pharma has submitted select products to the Ugandan National Drug Authority for review.

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Locally in Uganda Together Pharma is partnered with Industrial Hemp Uganda Ltd.

Jeff Verlinden and Nir Sosinsky can be easily found on LinkedIn

Key words related to the interview: GACP (good agricultural and collection practices), GAP, GMP (good manufacturing practice), SMF, SLA (service level agreements), SOPs, QbD, responsible pharmacist, cultivation, propagation, cloning, harvesting, drying, curing, packing, security plan, validation master plan, calibration, recalls, compliance, RO (reverse osmosis), microbiological, testing, air handling, dehumidification, HVAC, HEPA, ISO, cannabis inspection, GXP, scheduled substance, transport and distribution plan, destruction plan, medical cannabis, cannabis education, hemp, hemp permit, low THC cannabis, CBD, INCB, cultivation, agricultural and industrial applications, cannabis commercialization, global, Israel, Germany, Uganda, Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, botanical medicine, strain, flower, marijuana, weed, dagga, endocannabinoid, cannabis oil, pharmaceutical, API, scheduled, cannabis facility.
