5 levels of gratitude

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How To Build Your Gratitude Muscle

👉 Level 1: No gratitude.
You’re so stuck in negative thoughts that you can’t even recognize things you should be grateful for.

✅ Tip: Smile more
When we smile, our brain releases endorphins, reducing stress and improving our mood and overall well-being. Additionally, smiling is contagious, so seeing someone else smiling can trigger a domino effect of feel-good hormones.

👉 Level 2: Recognize things and people you are grateful for

✅ Tip: Keep a grateful journal
Carry a notebook to write down things you are grateful for when they happen in real-time. You can also take mental notes and journal these at the end of the day. Getting into this habit will help prepare you for the next level.

👉 Level 3: Gratitude for what’s coming.

This is higher-level thinking. It’s the ability to experience gratitude in advance and to be grateful for something that hasn’t happened yet but is coming. A quote goes with this level of appreciation that I love: If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe, you can achieve it!

✅ Tip: Practice visualization and create mock-up boards

Visualizations and creating mock-up boards are powerful tools that can help you manifest your goals. Making a mental image of what you want to achieve helps you:
~ Get clear on what you want
~ Take the necessary actions to achieve your goals
~ Stay motivated and focused
~ Overcome obstacles

👉 Level 4: Acceptance

Acceptance is seeing things as they are without wanting to change them. It is about being okay with that in the moment or unforeseen future.

✅ Tips:
Become aware of your thoughts and feelings. Notice when you resist what is happening beyond your control and try to let go of that feeling. Acceptance doesn’t mean you are happy with the situation but at peace with it.

~ Practice mindfulness, a form of meditation that helps you focus on the present moment. This can help you to notice when your thoughts are straying into resistance territory and bring them back to the here and now.

~ Practice self-care: Self-care helps you stay physically and mentally healthy, cope with stress, and manage your emotions. It sends messages that you deserve love, happiness, and health. It boosts self-esteem and body confidence. Self-care helps you relax and de-stress, making accepting difficult situations or people easier. Finally, it helps focus on the positive aspects of your life, making it easier to accept the things you cannot change.

Acceptance is a process that doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and practice to change our thinking patterns, but learning to accept the things we cannot change is possible.

It takes wisdom, experience, and time to get to this point, but life becomes much easier. When you accept that the universe is always looking out for your best interest, you can be grateful when things “don’t work out” because you know they always do. Those undesirable circumstances are lessons to be learned, not “the end of the world” or “a disaster.” On the contrary, they’re necessary to achieve tremendous success and happiness.

👉 Level 5: There’s no such thing as good or bad.

There are no problems, only solutions; it is up to us to find them. Calling something a problem is a personal choice. Here lies the great mystery of duality, the Yin and Yang of all things.

Experiences have no meaning until we assign meaning to them.

We get to decide what that meaning is consciously or unconsciously. But then, the thoughts and beliefs we associate with that experience result in specific actions, which create a result.

If you don’t like the results you’re getting, reverse engineer them and determine what thinking is causing them … and what beliefs created that thinking.

If you’re new to this thinking, start with Level 2. Practice recognizing and recording people and things you’re grateful for … and do it daily.

Read: Flexing Your Gratitude Muscle in

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