5 Power Quotes For Anxiety And Depression Healing

Quotes for anxiety and depression have the potential to make a positive impact on your healing journey. Today I’ll share 5 with you that will inspire you to love yourself and this journey that much more.

To read a quote without relating to it or acting on it will lead to passivity. On this healing journey over anxiety we must be proactive in our thinking and acting on a daily basis. These quotes for anxiety and depression will spur on change, but with that desire will come challenges so be prepared.

Your inner child wants to keep you fearful, this is why guidance is key.

Some may ask ‘why does the inner child (this YouTube video will explain this idea deeply) not want to experience life in all its miracles and glory?’ The answer to that question comes down to the lessons we learned early on and the consistency in our behaviours around those fearful lessons. To live a creative future we must clean up our past, only then can we positively align our conscious thoughts with our unconscious instincts.

quotes for anxiety and depression

These quotes for anxiety and depression will transform you.

Each day we wake up we must wake up to a potentially new life.

We mustn’t be victims of our past conditioning nor our previous days belief systems. Rather, we must live with awareness and be picky as to which ideas we want to turn into beliefs and which we want to let go of. Letting go of what has been a steady program within us isn’t always easy, but it is necessary. Your subconscious mind will create roadblock after roadblock at a mental level towards any change you present to it.

Awareness around this will lessen the impact these blocks have on us.

As you listen to these quotes for anxiety and depression take your time with each. If you pause each one prior to moving onto the next you can begin connecting them to your own life at a deeper level. This is where the magic takes place. Simply by tuning your focus onto understanding the wisdom more deeply shows your inner child what your true intentions are. Those intentions have everything to do with shifting your identity and presenting a new life to your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind is represented by your mind, and body.

Please do not get caught up in thinking that this infinite storage system called the subconscious mind is just in your mind. It is your physical body as well. This means that the emotional associations you have to each thing and situation will create a like response within the physical body. Fear looks for more fear which can lead to misery, and love looks for more love which will lead to compassion.

Each of these feeling states have the potential to alter the physiology which makes our commitment to these quotes for anxiety and depression that much more important.

Enjoy today’s podcast on mastering these quotes for anxiety and depression and I look forward to connecting with you personally through our Facebook Page.

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