59% of Indian Workers Face Workplace Burnout Symptoms

Approximately 59% of Indian workers encounter burnout symptoms on the job, whereas employees in Cameroon have the lowest rate at just 9%.

The study surveyed more than 30,000 employees from 30 countries and found that employees with positive work experiences reported overall better health, were more innovative, and performed better at work.

Moreover, the study showed that more than half of employees across 30 countries reported positive overall holistic health — but there were substantial variations between countries, with the lowest overall percentage of positive scores in Japan (25 percent) and the highest percentage of positive scores in Turkey (78 percent).

“Among respondents, the largest proportion of positive scores was for physical health at 70 percent, and approximately two-thirds of global employees reported positive scores on mental and social health. The lowest proportion of positive scores were on spiritual health, at 58 percent,” the study mentioned.


As per demographic, those aged 18 to 24 had the lowest holistic health scores. Employees in larger companies (more than 250 workers) had higher holistic health scores than those in smaller companies. Within role, managers had the highest holistic health scores, while all other workers reported lower holistic health.

Source: IANS

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