7 Summer Running Hacks to Help YOU RUN your BEST

7 Summer Running Tips to help you run your best even in the heat and humidity.

Running in hot weather and in humid conditions makes running harder. It’s science. So I’m sharing 7 summer running hacks to help you run better, faster and stronger in these challenging times.

REMINDER – Running in extreme conditions like excessive heat, cold, at altitude – or really any situation that your body isn’t familiar with can be dangerous. Be smart and listen to your body. 

If you’re training for a Fall Half Marathon or Full Marathon your training plan probably calls for some high mileage during the hottest months of the year. So it’s important to be smart and plan for these conditions to run strong. Check out these summer running tips and let me know which ones you already do (and which ones you need to work on)!

7 Summer Running Tips:

  1. Distance and Pace Adjustment
  2. Plan your Runs with the weather forecast
  3. Create a Hydration Strategy
  4. Run somewhere with shade (tree lined path)
  5. Wear light colored, sweat-wicking running clothes
  6. Use a sports sunscreen and apply it smart
  7. Listen to your body and take notes in a Run Log

7 Summer Running Hacks

If you don’t have a heart rate monitor use an Effort Level Scale to measure how difficult or easy a run should be (instead of using pace).

Check out this post on the How to Use the Effort Level Scale for Runners – to learn more.

7 Summer Running Hacks
7 Summer Running Hacks

Need a running water bottle, fuel belt or hydration backpack? Need to figure out how to carry water or electrolytes on the run?? Check out these posts:

3 Ways to Carry Water on a Run w/ Pros & Cons List

3 Hacks to get water while Running (that you don’t carry)


7 Summer Running Hacks
7 Summer Running Hacks Run Fitness Influencer RunEatRepeat.com

Check out my Summer Running Must Haves on Amazon here*

7 Summer Running Hacks Run Fitness Influencer RunEatRepeat.com

**See my Hack to Avoid Getting Sunblock in Your Eyes on Instagram here [@RunEatRepeat]

7 Summer Running Hacks Run Fitness Influencer RunEatRepeat.com

If you need a Running Log you can get my FREE printable Run Log & Meal Planner here:




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