WHO Members Oppose Politicization of Covid-19 Origin Tracing: Report

World Health Organization (WHO) members agree that the Covid-19 origin tracing should not be politicized, reports Sputnik citing Mike Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program.

“The one consistent thing we’ve heard from all countries has been ‘let’s not politicize the science,’ and the next thing that happens is the science is politicized,” Ryan said.

“So what we want to do for all parties, and everybody is calling for this, there’s widespread agreement amongst all our member states, let’s not politicize the process,” the Xinhua news agency quoted him as saying.

‘The WHO had, in March, concluded in a report that a laboratory leak was “extremely unlikely”. The report, which also carried details of early COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, showed some errors.’

The WHO was engaged in very positive consultations with a large number of member states, including China, on how to proceed with the next stages of the inquiry, he said.

Source: IANS

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