How To Find Anxiety Relief Naturally

You will not find anxiety relief naturally until you begin understanding the differences between the conditioned self and your true self. An awakening must occur. One that pops us out of the fear centered trance we’ve been living in for so long. Because it is in these very moments when unconsciousness turns to consciousness and we can begin releasing the addiction to anxiety we’ve been unknowingly hanging onto for such a long time.

In many of the anxiety guy videos I end the video with the words ‘You Are More Than Anxiety.’

The meaning behind these words is that your automatic reactions to inner and outer challenges is not really who you are. From this vantage point you can begin to understand how automated our actions have become and that we actually have choices we’ve never become aware of until this very moment.

To find true anxiety relief naturally we must understand the importance of:

  • No longer keeping up with the lives of others, unconsciously competing with them.
  • Becoming completely present and open to the opinions of our true self in moments of feeling challenged.
  • Giving up the fight, replacing competition with cooperation and feeling good for those that have reached their goals rather than self victimization around why we haven’t reached our own goals yet.
  • Slowing down, in all walks of life.
  • Patience, since impatience is an act of the ego mind, the conditioned self while patience is the act of the true self.
  • No longer looking to protect a personality, an identity that others are comfortable with. Rather, allowing a renewal, a ‘coming back to’ to occur gradually.
  • No longer mentally trying to navigate the anxiety recovery path. Trying to ‘figure it out’ will only lead to emotional overwhelm. Instead, place your trust in an intuition that gets stronger as we connect with a universal mind that is always giving us what we are aligned with.

To find anxiety relief naturally we must see life as a gift rather than clutch onto the need to live a long life.

To live a long life is to a large extent live a life at ease, hence this is the opposite of a life with dis-ease. These things happen naturally to those who awaken out of their unconsciousness. Dread of what’s to come is replaced with acceptance of the natural cycles of life and we no longer take things personally, since we understand that everyone is at a separate chapter within their own path to awakening out of unconsciousness.

Unconsciousness is good only after you’ve completely given up on ‘clinging’ to outcomes.

Once these types of new patterns arise we are no longer a slave to outcomes.

We let them be, and we work with them. Anxiety relief naturally is the result here as we can now leave our mental and emotional addictions behind and automate a new way of living. One that promotes unconditional love for the self no matter the result.

“Anxiety is simply the threat of something in the future potentially not going the way we wish.”

This becomes a natural fixation in mind which then carries into the body as the body begins going through its host of sensations and symptoms. These sensations and symptoms are always a cry for guidance rather than a cry to be taken to the nearest physician. However, through the lenses of the ego mind most of us cannot see beyond this initial frantic cry for help.

Then there is the issue of things that used to be bothersome mentally, emotionally and physically that tend to stick around even long after our awakening. This tends to bring on frustration and disappointment in the individual because they feel they have lived in line with their ‘higher self’ for a time period and deserve change in all inner areas.

In truth, this is still clinging, and clinging will not bring about anxiety relief naturally

When an awakening occurs the natural process is to no longer become reliant on the body even, and it is from this inner space that one begins to experience true miracles.

Let the mind, emotions, and body heal at the rate and speed that it needs. Just as nature heals, so will the inner workings within you. However your focus is now solely turned on the way you live not the desired results of the way you live.

Let me remind you now, that to find anxiety relief naturally you don’t ‘do’ anything to lessen your stress and anxiety.

  • You do not go for a walk to forget something you’ve been mentally fixated on.
  • You do not meditate to see if you can release some of the anxiety sensations within you.
  • You do not live a more peaceful life to be rid of the ‘anxiety disorder’ label.

This is your new life, your new daily habits, and they will be with you forever.

Since anxiety has also been present to let you now that you’ve passed your mental and emotional threshold, it is up to you to understand that your entire approach to living changes.

This is the awakening that takes you one step further up along the ladder of living authentically and through the guidance of your higher self. The higher you go the more distance you create from your past identity, your anxiety.

When you are moving up the scales of consciousness you look down to the bottom and wonder how you used to fall victim to such irrational ideas from your past. This is a wonderful place that brings about anxiety relief naturally.

It all starts with a willingness to explore yourself within. To tap into a new guidance system, one that is more subtle and not as loud as the one from the ego mind. With this new dedication to explore you will bring curiosity toward your old unconscious fears rather than react in line with them.

Soon, you will truly understand what it means to be more than anxiety and it is there that I will be waiting for you with a giant hug and the words, ‘you always had it in you.’

Please leave a comment on your biggest moment of clarity from this post, much love.

The Anxiety Guy Podcast is one of the most popular mental health podcasts in the world with more than 6 million downloads alongside the Health Anxiety Podcast Show.

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