Medicinal Fitness: Heal Pain and Optimize Physical Health in 5 Minutes a Day (At Home)

Show Notes:
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How to reduce and eliminate chronic pain in your back and joints by whole body vibration technology 5 minutes a day
Why whole body vibration can help the body improve physical function and heal from chronic health conditions like cancer
The #1 essential component of physiology that leads to your body healing itself from cancer
How to feel better immediately by standing on this device in your own home
Improving your physical abilities through vibrational technology no matter what kind of health challenge you
Why every single person needs these 4 components of physical health: Cardiovascular, strength, flexibly and balance
How to unlock your hips, eliminate back pain, stop feet swelling, improve balance and flexibility and overcome cramping in just minutes a day

Dr. Conviser is a leading expert in metabolic assessment and exercise prescription for special need populations. He is a Fellow of American College of Sports Medicine and fellow of the Medical Fitness Association. He is also one of the leading experts in fitness assessment and exercise prescription for special need populations. Dr. Conviser is best known for his work with patients dealing with metabolic syndrome, obesity, and providing exercise strategies for those who are struggling with health. He is the author of eight books and an invited speaker to 38 international conferences. He was a past consultant and exercise physiologist to the Duchess of York, Sarah Fergusson.  Dr. Conviser currently directs 3 clinics in the USA working with patients helping them take back their health through the use of vibrational technology. Books are available on amazon. Medical fitness exercise on Amazon. The Health/Wellness Professionals’ Guide to Medical Fitness Exercise

Health, Healing and Happiness with Nathan Crane.

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