Cannabis and the Body: Understanding the Endocannabinoid System – Cannabis Corner Webinar Series #3

Join us for a comprehensive exploration of how cannabis affects the human body on the physiological level. Attendees will gain a scientific and technical background of the metabolic pathways of cannabis in the body.

Featured Speaker: Dr. Yasmin Hurd, PhD – Ward-Coleman Chair of Translational Neuroscience & the Director of the Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai

Want to send us your feedback? Please scan the QR code shared in the recording to participate in our 1-minute feedback poll or copy & paste the poll link into your browser:

Our Partners:
Cannabis Workforce Initiative
Cultivated Community Foundation
Manhattan Community Board 9
Manhattan Community Board 10
Manhattan Community Board 11
Manhattan Community Board 12
Mixxy’s Blossom
New York Cannabusiness Chamber of Commerce

Continuing Education credit for certified public health professionals (CPH-CE, 1 hour) may be earned by viewing this webinar. Visit the National Board of Public Health Examiners to learn more.
