Mental Health | Wellness Program | Aneta Siedlecka #shorts

Navigating the intricate realm of nervous system regulation requires a nuanced approach: employing personalised tools that fit the individual’s needs, timed just right. ☀️

In nurturing the nervous system, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. No single method possesses the mystical ability to instantly ‘heal’ someone.

There’s no ‘magic pill’ 💊for recovering the nervous system. What’s vital is understanding our inner workings and the unique wiring we each possess.

In Our sessions, I focus on regulating the nervous system by providing a safe and nurturing environment for authentic expression, where you can be witnessed. Through a holistic approach, we utilise breathwork to expand your pranic body, engage in somatic movements to connect with your body’s wisdom, and practice techniques to clear and activate your energetic body. 🐉🪐

New scheduling options for clients in the USA and Canada are available now for 1:1 Zoom session.
Aneta 🐉

#holisticcoach #mindbodyspirit #mindbodyconnection #mentalhealth #kundalini #innerchild #theraphy #traumahealing #motherwounds #fatherwounds #somatichealing #nervoussystem #selflove #shorts


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