Psoriatic Disease and the Family

Highlighting the family support, World Psoriasis Day 2024 raises awareness of psoriasis’s impact on both patients and their families.


  • World Psoriasis Day 2024 theme is “Family” to honor the support families provide to psoriatic patients
  • Psoriatic disease impacts work, social life, and emotional well-being for families
  • Prevention includes moisturizers, sunlight, stress reduction, and maintaining a healthy weight

As World Psoriasis Day 2024 for October 29 th, the campaign will focus on the concept of ‘Family’ to bring out into the limelight, the experiences that both patients with psoriatic disease and their families go through. The focus for this year’s awareness is to stress the role of family support in patients with psoriatic disease and to increase understanding of effects of this disease on patients and their families (1 Trusted Source
World Psoriasis Day 2024

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Theme of World Psoriasis Day 2024: “Family”

The theme “Family” is important for assisting the families of psoriatic disease sufferers. Psoriasis is more than simply a physical disease; it also impacts the families that care for them. So this theme is to support those caretakers in the family.


History of World Psoriasis Day

The first World Psoriasis Day was marked in the year 2004 to enhance the awareness of the condition known as psoriasis around the world. Ten years later in 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) realized that psoriasis required a formal resolution. This eventually necessitated the choice of October 29 as the day that people should wear orange to increase awareness, increase knowledge on psoriasis and achieve better care for people suffering from psoriasis.


Impact of Psoriatic Disease on Family Life

Psoriatic disease impacts a broad range of family activities in such a way that the challenges that it creates are the ones, which demand coping and response. Some of the major areas of impact include:

Economic Strain: The medical treatments, therapies and most of the expensive skincare products are not affordable hence are burdensome to families.

Work-Life Balance: They also found that especially family caregivers have to juggle between work and caregiving which means they might have to take sick days and additional stress.

Social and Relationship Strains: Psoriasis affects social functioning in the lives of the patient and his or her family. Stigma, misconceptions and ignorance in interaction circles results in exclusion.

Emotional and Psychological Support: Caregiver of chronic illness patients and the patients themselves undergo stress, anxiety and even depressive states due to the management of the illness.

Preventive Measures for Psoriasis Flare-ups

While psoriasis is an autoimmune disease with no definitive cure, certain practices can help in reducing flare-ups and managing symptoms:

Moisturizing Regularly: Hair loss can be alleviated as well as frequent application of creams or lotions that are used in the treatment of dry skin and scaling.

Avoiding Dry and Cold Weather: Symptoms worsen in cold weather hence patients are advised to avoid cold weathers where possible.

Using a Humidifier: One practical use is that it helps to maintain wet skin especially in dry climate.

Being Cautious with Medications: Use of some over the counter drugs cause flare-ups; therefore the physician’s advice before using any new drugs is recommended.

Practicing Meditation and Stress Management: Stress is something which can be controlled with meditation and mindfulness is useful in cases of Psoriasis.

Exposure to Sunlight: Daily sun exposure leads to the slow cell division which is healthy, but excessive exposure can be very unhealthy to the skin.

Avoiding Alcohol: Alcohol should also be avoided because they cause an increase in the symptoms of the disorder; avoiding alcohol can prevent an outbreak.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight: However, obesity is considered to be an aggravating factor, which complicates the process of psoriasis treatment as well as contributes to its worsening.

Promote World Psoriasis Day by writing or sharing life stories, sharing awareness activities and propagating the use of #PsoriaticDiseaseAndFamily. Together, we can create a supportive community of trusted knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced by members affected by psoriatic disease in their families.


  1. World Psoriasis Day 2024 – (


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