FDA Strikes Down Hemp Based Charlotte's Web! Is Wisconsin the next weed battleground state?

Is CBD a dietary supplement? The FDA continues to say no and they are basing their decision because of Epidiolex. Huh? Here’s another example of how the Feds are making the hemp industry crazy and CBD continues to flourish in a gray legal area. A Wisconsin state senator tries for the 5th time to battle her Republican congress and files for legalization legislation. A former Trump Cabinet member who blocked any cannabis medicinal reform while serving, is now on the Board of a medical marijuana company in Georgia. All on Weed Talk News with state by state reports from coast to coast.
Jimmy Young from Pro Cannabis Media anchors.
00- 3:25  Jimmy Young’s lead story
3:25-4:53 – The Green Market Report with Debra Borchardt
5:50-8:25   – Michigan Report with Rick Thompson
9:25-11:40 –  Vermont’s Green Nurse Jessilyn Dolan with the Green Mountain state report
12:15-13:30 – Margo Vesely from Illinois
14:35-16:55 – DC Report with Phil Adams from Vote Pro Pot Cast
17:25- 19:10- Ron Marshalsea with the Bay State report in Massachusetts
19:30-21:15 –  California report with Christopher Smith from the American Cannabis Report
