House Committee Plans To Vote On Federal Marijuana Legalization On Thursday

A key House committee plans to vote on a bill to federally legalize marijuana on Thursday.

The Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act will be taken up by the House Judiciary Committee, which is chaired by the legislation’s sponsor, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY). Members were scheduled to debate and vote on the measure on Wednesday, but consideration of unrelated business ran long and the cannabis legislative action was pushed back a day.

The governor of California on Tuesday signed a bill to require hospitals to permit medical marijuana use by certain patients.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) approved the legislation, signaling that his prior concerns about an earlier version that he reluctantly vetoed in 2019 have since been resolved.

PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — The Legislature’s medical-marijuana subcommittee voted 6-4 Wednesday to overturn a key part of Initiated Measure 26 and make home-cultivated cannabis illegal in South Dakota.

But the panel fell one aye short of recommending the repeal of part of another state law that affects medical practitioners.

The government must muster the moral courage to openly discuss the pros and cons of approving the use of hemp and medical marijuana in Malaysia, Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said today.

Malaysian United Democratic Alliance’s (Muda) head, when debating the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) in Parliament today, said these steps must be taken so Malaysia does not get left behind in the industry, which he asserted could be worth over RM400 billion in the next four years.

Cannabidiol (CBD) and cognition in epilepsy
Anecdotal reports of the benefits of cannabis and its components in the treatment of epilepsy have been reported for millennia. However, only recently randomized controlled trial data in support of cannabidiol (CBD) became available resulting in its FDA approval for the treatment of seizures and epilepsy. One of the most common and debilitating comorbidities of epilepsy is cognitive impairment. This impairment has a multifactorial etiology including network dysfunction due to seizures, negative cognitive side effects from anti-seizure medications (ASMs), and mood disturbances. Knowing the effects of a particular ASM (either positive or negative) is vital for providers to counsel patients on expected side effects, and may result in choosing a particular regimen over the other if the patient already suffers from significant cognitive deficits. Unlike most other ASMs and other well-studied cannabinoids such as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD has been shown to have additional mechanisms of action (MOA) that result in neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and neurogenesis effects. These additional MOAs suggest that the use of CBD could lead to other actions including positive effects on cognition that may be independent of seizure control. This targeted review discusses the currently available data on CBD’s effects on cognition in epilepsy. First, we review the proposed mechanisms by which CBD could exert effects on cognition. Then, we present the pre-clinical/animal data investigating the cognitive effects of CBD in seizure/epilepsy models. Finally, we discuss the available human data, including the studies in people with epilepsy that included cognitive evaluations pre- and on-CBD, and studies investigating if CBD has any effects on brain structure or function in areas pertinent to memory and cognitive functions.
