Nassau Celebrates National Health and Wellness Month with Mike Remieres

In this two-part series, we’ll celebrate National Health and Wellness month.

Nassau’s Fitness Center Manager, Mike Remieres, will share some simple tips on:
• self-care
• healthy routines and
• managing stress

Our bodies and minds crave the comfort and mindlessness that routines offer. Routines require very little conscious thought, freeing our brain to focus on more complex tasks.

Having repetition lowers anxiety because there’s no conscious thought in everyday routines.

When you’re not worried about daily tasks, it can help you have more energy, and adapt to the unexpected. It may be helpful to hear how one celebrity uses a daily routine to keep a healthy lifestyle. Dwayne the “Rock” Johnson starts off his day with cardio, after having his coffee. After that, he’ll have breakfast. Diet-wise, he eats five meals a day-everything is planned out in advance.

Tips covered in this video include:
1) Keeping a Consistent Sleep Schedule
2) Meal Planning
3) Creating a To-Do List
4) Scheduling Self-Care

Check in later this month to learn more health tips so that you can have more energy to live a healthy and stress-free life!
