420 News Fri-High-Day 1st of October

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Today’s 420 News
2000Km for #BringAliciaHome & #CannabisReformIreland

Vera Twomey speaks out after the recent health committee discussion on MCAP

Kinsale woman jailed for ‘consciously, knowingly and deliberately selling drugs

Gardaí seize €113k worth of suspected drugs, arrest youth

Man was stopped as he smelt of cannabis

Retired senior garda arrested on suspicion of assisting drugs gang

Homes of senior gardaí are raided in drugs gang probe

r/Crainn:Some guy I bought on and off from got raided phones seized and now I’ve been getting strange phone calls

Irish farmers are losing up to €2,550 per acre based on 2020 cash values for hemp as a result of current policies that limit income to the hemp stalk

Federal cannabis legalization bill approved in committee
