100+ WEIGHT LOSS AFFIRMATIONS | Develop a Mindset of Health, Wellness & Fitness

Welcome to 100+ positive affirmations for developing a healthy weight loss mindset! Use this list of simple yet powerful affirmations not only for weight loss and achieving your goals, but also to feel good about yourself right now, accept where you are in your weight loss journey, and develop the healthy attitudes and habits which will help keep the weight off permanently and improve your life in every respect!

There are several ways to benefit from this recording:

►actively participate in the affirmations by repeating each one to yourself, visualizing the results you desire
►listen to the affirmations in the background while performing other tasks
►listen while resting or sleeping

Choose which method works best for you! To form a positive lasting change, listen daily for at least 21 days. Optimum times to listen while awake are first thing in the morning or just before going to sleep at night. It is not necessary to watch the screen while listening to this recording.


I am a wonderful person who is capable of losing weight and being healthy.
I have unlimited motivation to achieve my weight loss goals.
I will attain all my weight loss goals.
I am highly motivated to lose weight and get fit.
I am highly motivated to change my life for the better.
I deserve to be slim, healthy and energetic.
My body craves healthy, nutrient dense foods.
I enjoy drinking clean, refreshing water.
I easily eat sensible and healthy portions of food for my body type.
I crave healthy foods and snacks.
I am a powerhouse of motivation and energy.
All obstacles are moving out of my way.
I am so excited to be healthy and fit.
I love to exercise daily.
Every morning I wake up excited to eat healthy and exercise.
Every day I take massive action towards my weight loss goals.
I love what I see in the mirror.
I love my new healthy mindset.
I am passionate about losing weight and being healthy.
My mind is conditioned to lose weight.
I am at peace with my current weight, and I look forward to future changes in my body.
I am grateful for the opportunity to lose weight and become healthier.
I can feel the fat cells melting away.
I control what I eat, and how much I eat.
I can easily stop eating when I feel full.
I make healthy choices every day.
I am grateful for my progress.
I am enjoying the process of becoming fit and healthy.
I am mindful of my eating habits.
I eat slowly and mindfully.
I take care of myself and I set realistic goals.
I recover quickly from setbacks.
I rest whenever I need to.
I am a beautiful person inside and out.
I like what I see in the mirror.
I am a wonderful work in progress.
I am proud of myself right now.
My life is wonderful and my heart is grateful.
I love how I feel when I concentrate on being healthy.
I love how I feel when I make healthy eating a priority.
I love fresh vegetables and fruits.
I love cooking healthy meals and snacks.
I enjoy the taste of healthy foods.
I am a powerhouse of motivation.
I love myself regardless of my current size.
I am a lovable and worthwhile person.
I stop eating before I feel full.
I am satisfied with smaller portions of food.
I intuitively know when to stop eating.
I enjoy nutrient dense foods.
I love myself just as I am right now.
My current state of being – body, mind and soul – is okay for now.
I deserve to have good things happen to me.
My life is important.
I value myself and I value my life.
My appearance is good enough for now.
I accept myself just as I am in this moment.
I take care of myself.
I know that it is important to eat slowly and mindfully.
I resist all cravings.
I find healthy non-food ways to deal with unpleasant emotions.
I deal with my unpleasant emotions in healthy and constructive ways.
I eat healthy, wholesome meals regardless of how I feel.
I eat only at designated meal and snack times.
I enjoy getting dressed up.
I feel happy when I look in the mirror.
I have compassion for myself.
I have a healthy self-esteem.
I am worth every effort to lose weight and be healthy.
I deserve to live a long healthy life.
I look and feel gorgeous.
I am proud of who I am right now.
I deserve to have a long healthy life with family and friends.
My body deserves the best.
I love the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables.
I love to snack on wholesome whole foods.
I am a strong confident person.
I am a winner in all areas of my life.
I am creating a mindset of health and well being.
My weight loss journey inspires others.

30 Minute Mindset Copyright 2019

