UK Cannabis Language : In Conversation with Simpa Carter

Episode 5 in this series chatting about the cannabis industry with Simpa Carter

00:00 intro
1:06 When did you notice cannabis language was skewed?
2:22 The Etymology of cannabis
5:00 False dichotomies
7:03 Language as a tool to manipulate
9:40 History of cannabis language and propaganda
10:18 Origins of ‘Skunk Psychosis’
14:34 Weaponisation of language
18:24 “All cannabis is medical”
19:20 “Weed is fine but I don’t like skunk”
21:00 The past few years in the UK – co-opting
23:00 24 Hour drinking laws
25:35 the origins of propaganda and fighting the narrative
30:36 The misrepresentation (and clever marketing) of CBD
37:50 0.2% THC restrictions on hemp
40:00 Empowerment, cultivation and “Dealers”
41:30 Green Crack
43:47 Reclaiming the narrative and standardising language
46:19 The changing of the laws in November 2018
48:54 Being correct with cannabis language
50:04 Decriminalisation vs Legalisation
53:00 Outro

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