10% More Respiratory Problem Patients Reported in Delhi

The air quality in Delhi improved marginally on Sunday from Saturday’s “severe” to “very poor category”. According to the forecast from the Air Quality Early Warning System, the AQI will continue to remain in the “very poor” category till at least Tuesday.

About the pollution caused respiratory and other problems, Dr Kumar said that they have capacity for 120 patients but due to the outbreak in pollution-related diseases post Diwali, they are getting around 140 patients every day in the hospital.

He said the emergency and OPD wards are getting average 140 patients in total, with all types of problems, but most of them are suffering with respiratory and dipping levels of oxygen. It also includes the rising number of asthma cases in children.

About the preventive measures, he said that only two things – use of masks and avoiding stepping outside – can protect people from such rising level of pollution.

He added that the high level of PM 2.5 particles at this time can lead to lung infections, irritation in eyes, and respiratory problems.

Source: IANS

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