EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Arguing with friends, family members or loved ones is inevitable. It’s impossible for us to get along all the time, especially when we spend a lot of time with certain people, such as during the holiday season. So in this podcast, I talk about ways to reset and reconnect after a fight or argument.
Read the show blog here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-reset-and-reconnect-after-a-fight-or-argument
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1:30 Arguments are a natural part of life
1:50, 3:55 Arguments as an opportunity to grow
2:50 We are all unique & have different opinions & ways of seeing the world
6:55 How to see fights differently
8:10 Ways to reconnect after a fight
18:00 Why it is important to give yourself time to calm down after a fight
25:10 The power of saying “sorry”