How To End Anxiety In 2022 (5 Important Goals)

To end anxiety in 2022 first we must gain an understanding around what keeps us stuck. Today we’re setting up some important goals for your healing and taking control once and for all…

A new year gives us the opportunity to reflect on our limitations and strengths from the previous year. This bodes well for an anxiety sufferer because it gives us the chance to be conscious over unconscious habits that used to perpetuate anxiety. As we reflect we can turn our doubts into curiosity around why we fear what we fear and this change in meaning holds answers to our deepest questions around anxiety.

heal anxiety in 2022

You will end anxiety in 2022 and move towards a new place, a safe but unfamiliar inner place.

Isn’t that the thing we are most afraid of anyway? The fact that change brings an unfamiliar and therefore unsafe feeling with it. For instance, let’s take worry. Worry makes it feel like we are protected. Protect from what? That depends on the individual really.

Health anxiety sufferers feel like worry protects from anxiety symptoms turning into a disease, for example. We live a delusional life when it comes to placing worry on such a high pedestal, even going as far as to think it’s a part of us. Worry is a habit, not a part of us. Our subconscious minds love habit, remember that (this YouTube video will clarify our subconscious blocks). It doesn’t like changing habits but to end anxiety in 2022 that is exactly what we must do.

When we can attach more pain to worry rather than pleasure our anxiety will dissipate as well.

To say I’m excited for you to tune into today’s podcast would be an understatement of the highest degree. I’m thrilled in fact. So enjoy with an open mind and an open heart. Much love and healing for 2022 warrior.

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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F*** Coping Start Healing (2nd book) is now out on Amazon and you can pick up your copy today:

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