Is School Closure During the COVID-19 Pandemic Associated With Better Health?

Changes in sleep duration and its association with health-related characteristics during school closures in the COVID-19 pandemic have been identified by a new study published in the journal JAMA Network Open.

The study examined 8972 adolescents from Swiss high schools (March 13 to June 6, 2020) to identify the association between changes in sleep duration and health during the COVID-19 lockdown.

‘Changes in sleep duration and its association with health-related characteristics during school closures in the COVID-19 pandemic have been identified.

It was found that the participants had significantly longer sleep and better health-related quality of life when compared to the pre-pandemic period. Moreover, they also reported less caffeine and alcohol use.

Hence, the longer sleep duration was considerably related to better health-related characteristics.

However, the study also cautions that depressive symptoms at the time were associated with a worsening of the same health-related characteristics among youths. These findings are thereby important for consideration when evaluating and implementing school closures during the pandemic.

Source: Medindia

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