Christianity on Cannabis, Marijuana and Holy Herb Use?

Is the use of Cannabis any different to the use of Alcohol for Christians. This video is a Bible based look at Cannabis and Alcohol.

Time stamps:
00:00:00 : Intro
00:01:53 Comment (Question I was asked)
00:03:58 Historic Cannabis use and instant response to question.
00:05:14 Cannabis in other Religions
00:06:43 3 Types of Cannabis in Hindu religious use and connection to use today.
00:10:37 Twisting the Scriptures Genesis 1: 29 + 9: 3
00:12:29 Medical use of alcohol and cannabis
00:14:19 Does the Bible Promote Eat, Drink and be Merry.
00:17:57 Spiritual Doors Alcohol and Cannabis Open
00:21:09 (The lie that) Drug use makes me more Spiritual + Protected minds by the Helmet of Salvation
00:21:19 The Legalisation of Cannabis is antichrist inspired
00:26:47 Concerns about Social Cannabis Use

Christian Cannabis Use
00:30:51 a) Got saved whilst a Cannabis user
00:33:52 b) Christian that know better but struggle
00:34:35 c) Christians in Open Rebellion with Cannabis
00:35:59 d) Medical Cannabis misuse and Sorcery (Pharmakeia)

00:40:17 The Bible against Alcohol
00:43:24 The Bible in favour of Alcohol
00:47:42 Christian use of scriptures to just Cannabis use
00:59:35 Why does Cannabis effect our bodies
01:04:34 Final Note

Today the legalisation of Cannabis, Marijuana, weed, Herb or what ever you wish to call it has made many ask if this natural plant may be used by Christians? This is my take on the topic remember the use of Alcohol and other drugs in the bible is clearly cited. Pharmakeia, Sorcery and magic are often not understood in light of the bible.

#Cannabis #Jesus #Bible
