HighTeaPotcast #54 | Magic King Brussels

We travel to the heart of Europe, Brussels, to visit the Magic King cannabis shop and meet its founders Gjino and Mateo. They tell us all about their vision, their passion for cannabis and their partnerships with renowned brands like Cookies, Green House, Krush Grinders and The Bulldog. In the news segment we discuss the European Web Survey on Drugs from EU drugs agency EMCDDA, cannabis reform in Thailand, a French decree banning the sale of CBD flowers and leaves and two recent studies exploring cannabis compounds in the fight against corona virus. And why did some colleagues of Gjino and Mateo get 90.000 euro from the police? Ed Rosenthal’s Big Book of Buds is highlighted in the history section; Derrick reads from a chapter about the Cannabis College in Amsterdam.

Information from High Tea Potcast episode 54:

Anything new?
Latest European Web Survey on Drugs finds cannabis and ecstasy use most impacted by COVID-19, EMCDDA website, January 20, 2022
Cannabis removal from Thailand’s narcotics list up for discussion, TheThaiger.com, January 21, 2022
France’s green party calls new CBD ban ‘absurd gift to drug dealers’, Connexionfrance.com January 6, 2022
Cannabis Compounds Prevented Covid Infection in Laboratory Study, Bloomberg.com, January 12, 2022
Oral CBD Prevented COVID-19 Infection in Real-World Patients, Study Suggests, VIC.com, January 20, 2022
Verkoper cannabisolie krijgt schadevergoeding van 90.000 euro, Bruzz.be, 13 januari 2022

Interview with Gjino and Mateo
Magic King Brussels website: www.magicking.be/
Instagram: @Magicking_Brussels

From the archive / De Ouwe Doos
The Big Book of Buds: Marijuana Varieties from the World’s Great Seed Breeders by Ed Rosenthal, Quick American Archives, 2001

Listeners Responses
Send your questions, suggestions for guest and all other feedback by mail Highteapotcast@gmail.com or use the comments section for this episode, 54.

Wise Words / Wijze Woorden
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.” Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977).

Theme Tune High Tea Potcast
Our theme tune ‘Mary You Wanna’ is written and performed by Dutch band Mooon: www.mooonband.com/

Sponsor of this episode
Episode 54 of the High Tea Potcast is sponsored by Seedstockers, affordable cannabis seeds for homegrowers, available at seedstockers.com.
