The Hempy Hour is now a regular show at TBC-InTV USA
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Revolutionizing Health: In today’s Hempy Hour we visit Health Six Fit and virtually meet the founder, Paul Epstein, as he takes us on his journey through restoring his health and reclaiming his life.
Health Six Fit and their self-care team will guide your all-inclusive holistic health journey!
๐ฅBoost immunity to prevent illness.
๐ฅReduce the effects of chronic disease.
๐ฅLearn easy steps to relieve stress.
๐ฅCreate personalized fitness routines.
๐ฅNaturally balance your hormones and nutrition.
๐ฅPhysician-recommended supplements.
๐ฅGet to the root cause of symptoms!
Stay with us folks! 2022 is coming in HOT!
#health #wellness #relievestress #fitnessroutines #hemp #CBDoil #foodsupplements #chronicdisease #boostimmunity #immunesystem #hormoes #nutrition #balancediet #exercise #yoga #personality #personalized #symptoms #revolutionizehealthcare #stress #diseaseprevention #disease #meditation #self-care #team #holistic #holistichealing #holisticmedicine #boost #boostimmunesystem #guidebook #