5 Ways To Know If Anxiety Coaching Or Therapy Is Working For You

Anxiety coaching or therapy can either help or further hinder your progress over anxiety. Today I’ll share with you some key points that are essential to your success.

Below I share the main points from today’s podcast episode so that you can reflect on them and apply. As you progress through your anxiety coaching and therapy sessions you’ll be able to pick up on some of these points and recognize where your inner success is really coming from:

  1. You feel heard and rapport is building.
  2. You are given a few skill sets that speak to the roots of your anxiety and not solely relying on logic to heal traumas and respond to present anxiety.
  3. You feel progress is being made in terms of perceptions and feelings, not only behaviors.
  4. There isn’t a feeling that your coaching or therapy will go on indefinitely. Rather, the mentor will be honest enough with you and tell you when it’s time for you to take on the world by yourself and coach yourself.
  5. You have a sense of enjoyment over the healing journey.

With anxiety coaching or therapy, the progress is still and always will be in your hands only.

Make sure you understand this point and don’t go into your sessions thinking that what you hear will heal you of your anxiety disorder. It’s up to you to apply the understanding you gain. It’s up to you to learn from your past so that those patterns don’t repeat over and over again. This whole anxiety guy community is behind you 100%, enjoy the podcast episode.

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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F*** Coping Start Healing (2nd book) is now out on Amazon and you can pick up your copy today:

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