Inner Peace vs Emotional Suppression, Where Do You Live?

Many times we think we are living with inner peace when in fact we are just suppressing our thoughts, words, actions, emotions. The truth will set you free…

Suppressed emotion is excessively looking to please others because the association is ‘if they are pleased I deserve to feel worthy and respectful towards myself.’ Therefore, people’s opinions of you become the baseline to which all ideas about ourselves are connected to (Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more on this).

If anxiety seems to be your default emotional state, it’s likely that you are living within consistent emotional suppression.

Inner peace is expression, creativity, and much less striving to make things happen. It’s living in harmony with the inner child within. It’s a place where we look to the inside for answers and trust that our courage will be rewarded during moments of hesitation. It’s not a monk lifestyle, it’s modern day mental and emotional maturity.

This level of inner maturity allows us the freedom to be less instinctual and more intuitive. We overthink less and trust in not knowing the answer yet more. This inner place must be welcomed in as we analyze our current results a little more.

inner peace

We live within comfortable discomfort many times and that is the opposite of inner peace.

These negative emotional states can be visited but not lived in. We mustn’t stay content with what we have but rather recognize our capabilities to live in inner peace for most of our days. This recognition of what is possibility opens us up to new potentials and brings the answers we seek forward.

Life isn’t meant to be lived being on high alert towards potential threats at every moment. Those must be fleeting moments that come and go, and they become this when we are committed to a plan to heal anxiety for good.

Today we get clear, today we take one more giant step towards becoming more than anxiety.

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