Dr Robert Cassar, Sun/Parasite parable ''Connecting the Dots'' for Health+Wellness in HD 2014

Aloha All, The Sun is one of the most important energies that we all know to sustain life. The Sun gives us just about everything that we eat, drink, health, vitality, that we all know of and all of the vitality we all thrive for.

Parasites are all cold blooded ”Energy Vampires” that live inside of us all because they can. Some of us have many of these creatures that are mind manipulating us behind the scenes including telling us what we like to eat, drink, act, sexuality etc .

These creatures are all cold blooded in nature and use us as a warm house to live in and on us too. Once these Parasites find a home inside of us they don’t really want to leave unless you make it so they will not thrive to replicate.

Once you find out that these creatures are living inside of us because of the vibration levels that we become from contaminants and other poisons/ toxins/ heavy metals/ plastics etc. then its easy to Terrain Modify them out of us easily and effectively.

Learning the” Terrain Modification Principles” is a very strong weapon against the ”Parasitic Energy Vampires” that live again in toxicity, de-mineralized body’s, dehydrated bodies, clogged bodies and slow vibrations or resonant fields in our bodies and minds.

If we all knew that BODY FAT is a live creature then we would look at the epidemic more seriously. So even being 15 pounds overweight or toxic is a lot of yeast,mold,fungus and candida and other microscopic parasites.

By the way there are 240 million people in the USA that 15 pounds or more over weight.

So clean out your ”Garbage Dump” or your intestines so they will function correctly once again.

So Upgrade you life to a ”SUPER NATURAL LIFESTYLE” you will be so glad you did.

Learn the techniques of terrain modification at our on line digital school .. www.eartheracademy.com

Once the body starts to harmonize at a higher level of vibrational and energetic order then you will experience a new beginning in the form of consciousness or awareness from where you are today.

You are what you ”eat, drink, say, hear and do” so be conscious of that.

En-joy :)) Dr r

PS: The semi-private 21 day Terrain Modification Medically Supervised Retreats are open now on and off all year long. If interested in the Hawaii Adventure Health/Rejuvenation Retreats please contact DrRobertCassar@gmail.com for available dates.

”TRUE Health” is not for sale, it is for everyone having or not having money. Money should not be the issue / concern for ”Health, Wealth, and Happiness”.

Hi Dr Robert Cassar, thanks for Joining us today.

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The information shared here is not on ”YouTube” or other informative sites.
This is a private learning website dedicated to:
”Optimization of Health, Wealth and Happiness and Evolution.”

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Understanding Bio-LOGIC-al ”Terrain Modification protocols/concepts will change the way you see healthy evolutionary living.
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Dr Robert Cassar has put forward a significant amount of effort to help make a better world (100’s of free videos on the Internet) to show you what he has done in his own life to improve/optimize/rejuvenate himself. After seeing more than 150,000 patient visits in 14 years in his clinics he is continually driven to help the Human species evolve.
One thing he has learned is:
”You really cannot help any patient/person unless they choose to help themselves with the right choices that are reasonable, logical and simple or as he refers to it with the Four E’s: ”Easy, Efficient and Economical and Evolutionary”

Be sure to check out my Blog at : DrRobertCassar.com
En-Joy your Journey !
Dr.Robert Cassar
Founder of EarthShiftProducts.com, EarthShiftProject.com Worldwide Community, EartherAcademy.com
