Central Nervous System New Anatomy Activation: Operating at Optimum Functionality for the New Life

AliNICOLE WOW! provides a new anatomy awakening and activation for the central nervous system to bring about healing, wholeness and more.

She is the pioneer of the work New Ascended Anatomy for new dimensional wellness.

AliNICOLE WOW! is a New Era Cross-Functional Celebrity-preneur who is cross-trained in over 200 areas to serve different niche markets.

She serves as a Multi-Functional Wellness-preneur Authority with more than thirty wellness modalities under her belt. She is a WHOLENESS ARCHITECT and believes in providing a holistic experience that will serve the WHOLE of a person.

She provides over 1000 online platforms that serve a variety of niche markets including several educational training hubs for health, wellness and fitness. She’s published over 300 works on Amazon including several health and wellness publications.

She cross-trains healers, healthcare professional and wellness service providers and guides them in creating multi-functional empires that will serve as One-Stop WHOLENESS Shops for total-well-being.

She has wellness certifications in the areas of…

Professional Body Healing Coach

Nutrition & Hydration

Vegan Health, Nutrition & Lifestyle


Spiritual Wholeness Coach

Holistic Health

Alternative Medicine

Chinese Medicine

Herbal Health

Journaling for Well-being


Medical Acupuncture

Yoga Foundations


The Benefits of Tai Chi

Mental Health Awareness

The Power of the Mind

Mindfulness & Mediation

The Science of Happiness & Well-Being

EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique

Memory Enhancement


Color Therapy

Fitness Instructor

Just to name a few…

All certifications listed were completed with
New Skills Academy USA

Ready to level up your wellness and wholeness agenda?

Interesting in learn how to become a multi-functional wellness-preneur?

Allow AliNICOLE to guide you in the best ways to customize your total well-being for success and/or help you to answer your higher calling in the health and wellness industry.

Learn more about AliNICOLE WOW! at…www.alinicolewow.com

Central Nervous System Support

DHERBS Central Nervous System Formula

Horbaach Scullcap Liquid Extract
