Cleaning Up Your Past for An Anxiety Free Future (Interview)

In today’s interview with Johnny Lawrence from the self development podcast I discuss the best ways to clean up your traumatic past for an anxiety free future. Enjoy!

It’s not always easy to actually become free from anxiety. There are associations made early on in life that must be reframed for instance. As these associations begin altering from a threat perception to safety, feelings begin to change. That is the main reason you are here. Not to change how you think or act but rather to create a new default state of feeling. This is why I’m so very excited about today’s episode of the anxiety guy podcast.

anxiety free future

An anxiety free future shouldn’t be seen as a miracle, but a deserving state of being.

This is the truth. In today’s podcast episode I want to show you how close you really are to this state we call healing. One highly emotional experience combined with the ‘purging’ of the emotional weight carried by the body will have lasting effects. These are the types of anxiety techniques that will pave the way for an anxiety free future. So please use them daily, make them morning, afternoon, and evening habits.

Today we dive deep into our relationship with the inner child.

This is by far the most important relationship there is. When there is harmony and we can see things clearly between the conscious and subconscious minds there is freedom. No longer are we the victims of our past conditioning, no. We have upgraded our belief systems and see ourselves and the world from a pair of new lenses. Today, we take a big step forward together in our path towards an anxiety free future.

To learn more about Johnny Lawrence and his work with the Self Development Podcast Click Here.

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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F*** Coping Start Healing (2nd book) is now out on Amazon and you can pick up your copy today:

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