Mental Health Secrets of Ramadan Fasting


Although the act of fasting is linked to religious acts, it has a wide array of scientific back-up due to its optimistic emphasis that unravels potential health benefits(


‘Health’ is defined as a “state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or immunity,” according to the World Health Organization (WHO)().

With expanding research, fasting is now known as a legitimate way for cellular repair mechanisms and to prevent several chronic illnesses like blood pressure, heart diseases, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and other body inflammation.

Apart from its physical health benefits, fasting is equally beneficial for your brain health — and overall mental well-being. Several studies implicate the mental-health benefits of fasting during Ramadan.

Mental Well-Being and Ramadan Fasting

Encompassing one’s mental well-being is considered the first phase of achieving good health.

Ramadan fasting is known to have fruitful effects on overall mental well-being — cognitive, emotional, and behavioral health aspects().

Studies have shown that it significantly helps to overcome mental illnesses like anxiety, stress, depression, and insomnia, thereby leading to memory improvements and overall mental well-being().

Hence, fasting can also be considered a complementary treatment strategy (under the supervision of healthcare professionals) against mental ailments().

Unlock the Tranquility!

Mental well-being during Ramadan fasting is perhaps found to be linked to its enhanced state of spiritual and emotional stability.

The holy month also helps shun ignorant/negative deeds, thereby fostering unifying & good conduct that boosts the brain’s ‘feel-good’ chemical — endorphins(). Data also state that fasting improves self-sufficiency, self-acceptance, and social relationships.

The entire month serves as a chance to reset one’s unhealthy behaviours and augment the act of self-reflection — key to mental well-being(). The exciting benefits of Ramadan fasting thereby mandate further research to explore its optimistic effect on mental health.

Reconcile your inner harmony as the spiritual and mental benefits illuminate during this month of Ramadan!

References :

  1. Fasting during Ramadan – (
  2. The effects of fasting during Ramadan on physical and mental wellbeing – (–on-physical-and-mental-wellbeing_SingleLow#:~:text=Fasting%20during
  3. Yousuf, S., Syed, A., &Ahmedani, M.Y.(2021). To explore the association of Ramadan fasting with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in people with diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 172,108545.
  4. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Physical and Mental Health of Elderly People – (
  5. Hosseini Almosavi, M.(2015), A brief look at the role of fasting in mental health and its correspondence with advances in psychology. Journal of Nutrition, Fasting, and Health, 3(3),132-137.
  6. Al-Ozairi, E., AlAwadhi, M. M., Al-Ozairi, A., Taghadom, E., & Ismail, K..(2019).A prospective study of the effect of fasting during the month of Ramadan on depression and diabetes distress in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 153, 145-149.
  7. The positive effects of Ramadan on your mental health – (

Source: Medindia

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