Five Reasons You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Physical Therapy After An Injury

In order for your body to become as strong as it once was before it was injured, physical therapy is a powerfully understated asset. From a sprained elbow to a torn rotator cuff, a dedicated rehabilitation program is necessary for strengthening injured body parts, restoring them to functionality, and rebuilding surrounding muscular tissue.

The body begins the healing process by producing swelling around an injury, which can cause stiffness, pain, and decreased mobility. Physical therapy can decrease the amount of time that it takes to recover from these natural occurrences. Here are five of the reasons why you should never neglect physical therapy after an injury:

1. It Allows Patients To Adjust To Permanent Injuries

When one endures a catastrophic injury, such as becoming quadriplegic, paraplegic, or losing one or more limbs, attending and participating in physical therapy will allow him or her to better adapt to the present situation. A good physical therapist will teach each patient how to operate his or her assistive devices, such as canes, wheelchairs, braces, or crutches, and may help them to adjust each apparatus to better serve its purpose.

A physical therapist may also advise patients on adjustments they will have to make to their everyday rituals, such as using stairs, getting out of bed, and taking care of personal hygiene needs as well as giving advice to better exercise and nutrition habits in daily living.

2. It Alleviates Discomfort And Pain

To reduce serious inflammation that leads to pain and swelling, a physical therapist can apply ice packs and sources of heat as treatment. In more challenging matters, he or she may use electrical pulses and ultrasonic stimulation to therapeutically penetrate deep, damaged tissues. This will increase the lymph and blood circulation to the injured body part, which will quicken the recovery process.

3. It Dramatically Increases Muscle Strength

Physical therapy increases muscle strength and builds the endurance of connective tissues. A person’s body will hurt and weaken after an injury, but that is what it is designed to do. That is why a good physical therapist in Ogden or other cities near you requires two to three visits each week. By attending, one will gain joint stability and muscle capability that he or she may have lost.

4. It Assists Patients In Functioning At Their Best

Going to physical therapy will train the body to reset to its optimal alignment and posture, which will stimulate healing. Additionally, one’s internal organs, joints, bones, and muscles will function at their most efficient.

Patients that were injured due to repetitive motions on the job, or sports injuries, can display for their therapists how they usually use their bodies and the therapist can help them make changes to increase functioning. This is also a critical step that many physical therapy programs take to keep patients from re-injuring themselves in the area that is being rehabilitated.

Consistent physical therapy will give participants an increase in flexibility, strength, and balance. Many people even apply the techniques that they have learned to their gym and exercise routines once they have sufficiently healed from their injuries.

5. It Aids In The Restoration Of Mobility

While all people have a natural tendency to protect any injured parts of the body, it is actually best to heed the advice of physical therapists and use movement exercises to strengthen adjacent ligaments, tendons, and muscles, as well as increase the flow of blood circulation to the area. As a matter of fact, when people stretch and move injured joints and muscles, they keep them from getting stiff. However, “babying” these same areas can leave them with diminished mobility over the long run.

A good physical therapist will have patients perform stretching sets that will restore both their range of motion and their overall mobility. He or she may also incorporate special tools or massage techniques to break down muscle adhesions that may have formed. Plus, electrical stimulation can be used to reduce muscle spasms and aches.

In conclusion, physical therapy certainly is a crucial part of the recovery from any type of major injury or life-changing surgery. It has been proven to lessen healing time and increase the ability to resume average daily activities, as well as preserve prior mobility. As such, it is crucial to include physical therapy as part of any health and wellness team geared toward full injury recovery.

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