Uses For Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | Hyperbaric Chamber Benefits Part 3 – HBOT USA

We’re commonly asked about uses for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. So we thought in part 3 of our Hyperbaric Chamber Benefits series we would help answer the ever popular “what can hyperbaric oxygen therapy treat” question.

To do so, we’ll dive into some details about what we call the “Mechanisms of Action.” These are what ultimately make hyperbaric oxygen therapy a great treatment option for numerous conditions that are becoming more and more recognized across the world.

Many of the 100+ internationally recognized conditions are still considered “off-label”, and we’ll shed some light on what that really means.

Once upon a time hyperbaric oxygen therapy was only used for decompression sickness (the bends).

All other uses for hyperbaric oxygen therapy were off-label conditions that eventually became on-label conditions based on clinical use and research, and all the things required to get something accepted as “on-label.”

It’s the mechanisms of action that are ultimately what helped to determine whether or not it’s even appropriate to consider using hyperbaric oxygen therapy for a particular condition or for a particular health goal.

Once you understand the mechanisms, if you can apply those mechanisms to what their health goals are, what their condition(s) might be, then you can start to make practical use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the patients you treat, for the people in your life, or for yourself.


0:00 Uses For Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
1:19 Benefits of HBOT
2:30 Increased cell signaling
3:23 Example off-label treatments
3:43 1. Decrease bubble size
4:02 2. Hyperoxygenation
4:08 3. Reduces lipid peroxidation
4:37 4. Vasoconstriction
5:08 5. Reduces Cytokine Response
5:35 6. Toxin Inhibition
6:01 7. Leukocyte Oxidative Killing
6:38 8. Antibiotic Synergy
7:35 9. Angiogenesis
8:53 10. Neurogenesis
9:34 11. Mitogenesis
10:19 12. Fibroblast Proliferation/Collagen Synthesis
10:55 13. Boost stem cell production
11:20 14. Increases telomere length
12:11 Reverse transcriptase
12:57 All current indications were once “off label”
13:37 Off-label examples & related mechanisms
13:52 It’s not a magic bullet


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