Tyler Mark: Hemp Economics

Tyler Mark, associate professor of production economics, University of Kentucky
Cornell University/USDA-ARS National Hemp Webinar Series
May 4, 2022

More information about other webinars in this series:

Cornell Hemp website: https://hemp.cals.cornell.edu/

The unique opportunity to work with a new/old crop being reintroduced into the American agricultural system is a driving force behind my research. Current hemp research efforts include hemp market metrics, national survey of hemp production costs, evaluation of hemp crop insurance, best management practices for hemp contracts, alternative pricing methods for hemp products, consumer demand for hemp products, life cycle analysis of hemp grain for aquaculture production, evaluation of hemp grain for beef production, and estimating the economic impact of hemp production. All this work to targeted at helping this industry reach its potential would not be possible without funding from USDA and project collaborators.
