Hello Midlife Embrace The Power Of This Season Of Life: Interview With Caryn White

Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/323609804637

The season of midlife comes with many mindset, identity and body changes. Discover ways in which you can choose an empowered path within it.

In this 3 hour online summit Maria, Caryn & Kim will bring their unique expertise to the conversations around midlife. Magic, archetype and astrology, hormone health, the wheel of life and how to navigate overwhelm in the midst of change will be some areas of discussion.
EST 7pm – 10pm, SNST (7am-10am), AEST (9am-12pm)
Please make note of your time zone for this international collaborative.
First hour : What is midlife?
Second hour: Do I have choice in how I experience it?
Third hour: What am I capable of creating at this time?

Maria Davis, Leadership & Business Coach (Australia)
After 40+ years as a Healer and 20+ years in business, Maria’s mission is to support you to build a business you love, whilst sharing your soul calling. After years of trying to find the right path as a Spiritual Entrepreneur, Maria developed spiritual business mentorship services that include a signature business formula, and processes to support and grow your business.

Caryn White, Life & Mindset Coach (Singapore)
After so many years of knowingly & unknowingly searching for a sense of purpose and “what is her passion?” Working in the arts, hospitality, accounting and commercial functions, Caryn knows now that this was all part of the journey of discovery to where she is now and where she is going. Caryn is now in a place that she feels truly present and aligned supporting you to get out of your unhealthy OVER cycle of OVERthinking & OVERwhelm through her 3 pillar program of Building Awareness of Self (I know who I truly am), Believing in Self (I can do this) to Connecting to Self (I am growing and aligning with my true self). As the founder of Inner Happiness Mastery and full time life & mindset coach Caryn is excited to be living this vision everyday supporting expats at the core of her business.

Kim Jacques, Midlife Health & Lifestyle Coach (North Carolina, USA)
Wellness professional since 1999 as a massage therapist, polarity therapist, educator, founder of a community wellness center and a health coach. After reaching the age of 40 and experiencing midlife changes in weight gain and energy loss she focused her attention upon the unique ways to unlock the power of aging backwards naturally and resetting the midlife metabolism with ease. Her lifestyle design approach helps women design a life that they love through coaching, workshops and programs.
