How To Take Back Control of Your Life – The #NBMPOD Welcomes Jehan Sattaur

Jehan Sattaur is a Mindfulness Teacher, Truth-Teller, Subconscious Self-Sabotage Coach, and host of the Boundless Authenticity podcast. He is currently living and working in Barbados.

Much of Jehan’s work focuses on removing the disempowering thoughts and beliefs from the subconscious mind via counselling, talk therapy, coaching, meditation, mindfulness and breathwork instruction.

How can we take back control of our subconscious mind and begin to consciously improve our day-to-day lives?

How do seemingly harmless everyday things like television, pop music, and coffee reduce our quality of life by harming us subconsciously?

How do we enslave ourselves by internalizing what we hear and see from news, media, politics and culture?

What is the one single thing we can all do to become mindful of these dark outside forces and choose a better path forward? (Hint: take a deep breath…)

In this episode Jehan shares a wealth of insight and a host of esoteric knowledge that can send us all on a better path if we so choose

0:00 – Patrick’s Intro
2:59 – Conversation begins, how did we meet, what does Jehan do?
6:00 – What are some common examples of people being “culturally programmed”?
8:00 – How does television manipulate us on a subconscious level?
12:50 – Why have we built an environment to sabotage ourselves?
15:05 – What can we do in response to this cultural programming and express ourselves?
18:01 – Jehan’s secret: how to consciously process your subconscious thoughts
23:10 – How does caffeine negatively affect our subconscious mind and our quality of life?
29:01 – How is smoking marijuana detrimental to our health (versus eating it)?
30:45 – What is vibration? Why do the wicked keep us in a low-vibe state?
34:00 – Is there a future where we can all be empowered?
36:20 – How do institutions use narratives to make us disempower ourselves?
38:00 – Can we still express ourselves thru art without consuming media?
41:24 – How narrative functions like a virus
45:45 – Jehan’s appraisal of life in Barbados: “It’s always been hell on earth.”
51:45 – How can we empower a few people at a time?
53:10 – The psychology of Nationalism and in-cult-uration and Jehan’s thru to the USA
56:30 – How “new” narratives fill the religious need; the blending of new-age philosophy and traditional religion
59:30 – Can we stop believing mainstream narratives and become who we truly are?
1:01:30 – Virtual Reality as the next step in media siphoning our vital energy
1:02:50 – The rise in narcissism and entitlement due to social media
1:06:58 – Are many people living in a virtual reality already? Can we save others?
1:07:04 – How to get in touch with Jehan and start living a better life!

Find Jehan at and on Instagram @jehansattaur

See his other offerings here:
