Healthy Breakfast Foods for Weight Loss

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Top 8 Healthy Breakfast Foods For Weight Loss

We all know how important it is to eat breakfast, but what’s even more important is what we are eating for breakfast. I mean, you can stroll through the Dunkin Donuts drive through and grab a nice big chocolate donut and call it breakfast… but how much good is that going to do ya? Especially if you’re trying to lose a few pounds 😣

What’s a good healthy breakfast?

If you’re trying to find some good healthy breakfast foods for weight loss, you have come to the right place! I want to share with you my top 8 favorite healthy breakfast foods to tackle that morning hunger the healthy way.

healthy breakfast foods for weight loss

1. Avocado Toast

You already know that I LOVE avocados… if you didn’t, then you need to check out my post on the Top 10 Superfoods You Need to Start Eating Today, otherwise, we’re on the same page here! Avocados are a SUPER healthy way to start your day because they have a ton of healthy calories (monounsaturated fats) which will help to boost your metabolism, as well as keep your hunger at bay until it’s time for lunch 😋

One way to easily incorporate an avocado into your morning diet is by spreading it over some crunchy, warm toast, and then top it off with an over-easy egg to add that extra protein punch. The creamy avocado combined with the toast and egg make for a truly enjoyable breakfast that won’t leave you feeling hungrier than when you woke up.

healthy breakfast quesadilla

2. Healthy Breakfast Quesadilla

Who ever thought to eat a quesadilla for breakfast? Well, I must say… it’s a genius idea!

This healthy breakfast quesadilla is the perfect, quick and easy breakfast for someone intent on sticking to their diet. It’s a simple recipe, and my favorite thing about it is that you can easily make a few of them at a time and freeze them for an easy meal prep idea!

Get creative with it and add different kinds of meat and cheese if you want… just try to stay away from bacon ( I know, I know bacon is 🤤) but go for lean proteins instead, like turkey sausage, chicken or mozzarella cheese, this way you can keep the calories and saturated fats under control.

Healthy breakfast foods for weight loss

3. Whole-Wheat Bagels

If you’re going to eat carbs, it’s best to eat them in the morning, that way your body has all day to use them for stored energy, and eventually burn them all off before bedtime. That is why I recommend eating a whole-wheat bagel for breakfast if you’re looking for a healthy, yet filling breakfast idea. My favorite thing to do is buy a plain, fresh-made bagel from the bakery and then add my own seasoning to it. If there is ever a time you wonder what to use everything bagel seasoning on… this is it!

healthy overnight oats recipes

4. Overnight Oats

If you’re getting hungry just by looking at this picture, then you have to try overnight oats sometime. They are super simple to make, yet totally delicious! I like to soak my oats in almond milk for a nuttier flavor, but 2% or skim milk works too. I then add some honey, chia seeds, fresh fruit and a dash of brown sugar for a simple, yet healthy breakfast. For full recipes and different overnight oats ideas check out

5. Triple Berry Smoothie

If you read my post outlining my top 5 favorite foods for weight loss, you wouldn’t be too surprised to see this delicious smoothie recipe on the list. My very own Triple Berry Smoothie recipe, is an easy smoothie recipe for weight loss that everyone will enjoy. The reason I like to drink smoothies for breakfast is because they are quick, simple to make, and easy to take on the go. If you think a smoothie is something you would enjoy as a morning pick me up, than definitely check out this recipe!

Triple Berry Smoothie

Delicious and Healthy smoothie recipe that is SUPER refreshing and great for a mid-day snack craving!

Prep Time 10 mins

Total Time 10 mins

Course Drinks, Snack

Cuisine American

Servings 1 Person

Calories 210 kcal

  • 1 cup almond milk or 2% if you prefer
  • 1/4 cup Red Raspberries
  • 1/4 cup Blackberries
  • 1 cup Strawberries
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tsp chia seeds Optional
  • 1 cup Spinach
  • Step 1: Combine all of the ingredients into the blender and blend on high until the smoothie reaches desired consistency ( I like mine a little chunky)


Keyword easyhealthysmoothierecipes, easysmoothierecipes, easysnack, healthysmoothierecipes, healthysnackrecipes

6. Spinach & Egg White Omelet

An omelet is the perfect hot and tasty breakfast for a weekend at home, so why not turn this breakfast favorite into a healthy meal option for your easy weight loss meal plan? By using only the egg whites, you can reduce the number of calories in the egg leaving room for all of them delicious, cheesy goodies you want to stuff your omelet with, without going over your calorie limit for the morning.

You can buy egg whites already separated but I like to separate my own using a simple egg separator for a fresh, and easy approach to egg whites. I then add in my spinach, salt, pepper and turkey sausage before pouring the mixture into the frying pan. As soon as the egg starts to harden I sprinkle in my cheddar and mozzarella cheese before folding the egg in half, creating a perfectly round Spinach & Egg White Omelet.

easy weight loss meals

7. Yogurt

If you need a quick and easy breakfast that you can take on the go, yogurt is my go to favorite for sure! It’s super simple, you don’t have to worry about following a recipe, and there are tons of different flavors and varieties to choose from. I try to stick to Greek yogurt, like chobani, but really any yogurt will do as long as it isn’t loaded with high fructose corn syrup or sugar substitutes ( like aspartame, sucralose or saccharine).

8. Fresh Fruit Salad

You can’t go wrong with fresh fruit!

If you’re really struggling to find a breakfast recipe or item that you actually like why not just stick to some fresh fruit in the morning. Fruit is packed with natural sugar, making it the perfect thing to jump start your metabolism, and it tastes great in the morning after you’ve had your first sip of coffee. I like to go for tropical fruits like pineapple, mango and oranges but berries and bananas will work too if that’s what you like!

When it comes to eating healthy breakfast foods for weight loss in the morning, any of these delicious breakfast foods will get the job done ✔ A healthy and nutritious breakfast is a great way to not only lose weight fast but also maintain it.

If you still need help finding the right foods for easy weight loss meals and ideas, definitely check out my FREE 7-day sample meal plan below: I ate these exact same things and lost 30 pounds… easy! Just drop your email in the box below and be sure to confirm your interest in the meal plan so I can send that directly to your inbox 👍

healthy breakfast foods for weight loss

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