Gemini Season Meditation♊ Manifest New Experience, Fun, Joy, Clear Communication & an Active Mind🙏🏻

I hope you enjoy this 15 minute guided manifestation meditation & energy alignment session, designed to aid you in working with the energies of Gemini season 2022. Gemini is the first air sign of the astrological wheel, as well as marking the beginnings of summer. This brings Gemini season an “easy-breezy” energy filled with fun, travel, new experiences, and joy. Gemini is also ruled by Mercury, which is the planet of communication, travel, and the mind. We can work with Geminian energy to manifest positive opportunites in these areas. My intention for this meditation session is for us to focus on calling in a clear active mind, balanced communication in relationships of all kinds, new adventures, and most importantly fun and joy! This session starts with a brief astrological discussion, a soft-spoken guided meditation intro, no-talking meditation with cheery piano music and calming nature sounds, and guided outtro. My hope is to aid you in creating your best life. You are supported by the divine in all you seek to create that is authentic and true to your heart! Be well and be joyful!

💎Hello my friends!💎Find me at to book my services, join the Lotus Tribe (free Reiki session & herbal tea each month!), and peruse my handmade Reiki-infused healing crystal jewelry, intentionally prepared herbal medicines, or lovingly designed yoga & meditation merch collection!

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🌺 Lynn Lotus Yoga & Wellness 🌺

Welcome, Friends! I’m Lynn, a RYT-200 Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Herbalist, and Aromatherapist located in Pennsylvania, USA. I’ve been studying holistic healing since my youth, so I have an eclectic body of knowledge which includes the practices of yoga, qi-gong, Reiki energy healing, nutrition, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, color therapy, sound healing, crystal healing, astrology, numerology, palmistry, and tarot card & oracle reading.

My channel is devoted to healing in mind, body, emotion and spirit. You will find a variety of offerings to aid on your path to complete health. These include distance reiki energy healing, meditation music, guided meditations, positive affirmations, mantra sessions, mindfulness & gratitude practices, sound baths, color therapy sessions, nature immersions, art therapy, inspiring quotes and poems, herbal wisdom, evolutionary astrology forecasts, lightworker ascension discussion, spiritual discourses, and much more! I appreciate you stopping in to watch my videos. Be well and be joyful! Lynn

DISCLAIMER: My videos are for entertainment purposes and not intended for diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have.

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