Wajackoyah the Fifth, is he Kenyas' next President? Deputy President Justina speaks to KIKAO AFRIKA

Apart from the mention of snake farming, his suggested way of dealing with corrupt delegates, his fight toward youth representation, and other things,…
We are sure most would agree that his biggest campaign attribute is his claim to legalize the farming of cannabis which has surprisingly garnered a lot of support with even some putting his claims of it helping us to pay the Kenyan loan to a theoretical test. Be that as it may, we can’t fail to acknowledge the second side of the coin, people who are skeptical, towards the success of Wajackoyah the Fifths’ claims, so, we set out to get the information from the actual horse’s mouth, and we able to have a sitting with Wajackoyah the Fifths’ running mate: Justine Wamae who shed some light on to this, (in great detail), and a possible sit down with the Big Man With a Plan himself in the near future.

#wajackoyah #kenya #wamae #DNA #splif #cannabis #cannabisfarming
#kikao #Kikaoafrika #
