Dr. Fauci Has COVID???!!! – The BLACK Health Preacher REACTS

The Minister Of Wellness Nathaniel Jordan, discusses Dr. Fauci being diagnosed as being positive for COVID-19.
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“A GENEROUS MAN WILL PROSPER, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” – Proverbs 11:25
VIMEO – https://vimeo.com/theministerofwellness
UNLEASHED News Channel – https://theministerofwellness.com/the-minister-of-wellness-unleashed/
The POWER Of The G-BOMBS 12 Part Series – https://vimeo.com/search?q=the%20power%20of%20the%20g%20bombs
The 12 Components Of Food Addiction 12 Part Series – https://vimeo.com/search?q=the%2012%20components%20of%20food%20addiction
WE ARE Different by Prophet Dr. Llaila Afrika – https://youtu.be/CV1aEp7S4OI.
