Colloquium 2022 Keynote – UAP 3: William Parham, Ph.D.

00:00 – Introduction from Jen LaMaster
02:15 – Keynote Speech

William Parham, Ph.D. is a Professor of Counseling at Loyola Marymount University. He offered the keynote address on UAP 3 – Journeying with Youth.

A confluence of events during past six to seven years, and the resultant and ongoing disruptions, distractions, and devastations continue to spawn opportunities for individuals to turn dramatic and traumatic personal tests into testimonies of growth, transformation, and renewal. In short, despite life’s weighty trials and tribulations, unexpected moments abound for people to discover ways to excel in their careers, distinguish themselves amongst their peers, bring recognition to family, friends, and communities from which they hail and cement their legacies as colleagues who performed their best when their best was needed. Yes, people in the grip of ill-fortune often find ways to tap into sources of ‘light’ or inner strength that allows them to navigate themselves successfully through life’s ups and downs. Reconciling intra-personal emotional disruptions while maintaining across-time high-caliber career performances evidence brilliance and splendor yet untapped. This presentation will explore the price of the ticket for pursuing excellence in the face of life-changing adversity. The social construction of stigma, one of several barriers which impedes deep-dive self-reflection and help seeking behaviors, will also be examined.
