5 Inner Child Traps You Must Become Aware Of Now

Get ready for a powerful podcast episode which will share the most common inner child traps that keep a person stuck in irrational fear and anxiety. Enjoy!

Podcast show notes:

These are inner child traps that look to pull you back into the subconscious self punishment program for the sake of staying in line with the blueprint that the inner child has towards who it believes you are and how safe the world is. A self punishment program is like a computer software that can’t be deleted and replaced by the same critical mind that perpetuates the fear and anxiety in the first place.

inner child program

It’s the critical mind that takes orders from your inner child which wants you to believe in false ideas based on less than a handful of early life experiences.

  • Trap #1) Keeping you believing that the answer lies in calmness which is only a cover up to suppression. True healing lies in expression, perceptual shifts, and true forgiveness.
  • Trap #2) Rejecting compliments to yourself by yourself and others.
  • Trap #3) Obsessing over bodily anxiety symptoms.
  • Trap #4) Believing that you must continue to mirror your parents ways in some way.
  • Trap #5) The idea that unconditional love for yourself is impossible to achieve.

The inner child is very opportunistic in its efforts to keep you clinging onto the illusion of control and certainty.

As we will learn through this episode of the anxiety guy podcast, we can either be led by the past or create the future. Our core beliefs are connected to the perceptions that come from conception to the age of about 5. Most people still live by these perspectives and beliefs, until a time where they become too fed up with how they are feeling. Enjoy this episode and I hope it will speak to you deeply.

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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