5 Books To Kickstart Your Holistic Health and Wellness Journey

In this video, I share with you guys 5 books to kickstart your holistic health and wellness journey.

These 5 books were actually the books that were required for me to read to complete my Holistic Nutrition and Health Coaching certification. Little did I know, the information and insights I got from this really kickstarted my holistic health and wellness journey.

I personally believe that when you are approaching anything new for the first time, the first step to take is to educate yourself on the subject matter.

The acquisition of knowledge alone can be enough to change your life. There is so much power in the knowing of something.

If there is any message I can leave you guys with in this description box is this: knowledge is power. And when combined with action, you will achieve the personal change and transformation you desire.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this video.

As always, much love, and many blessings to you.

Stay connected with me for some behind the scenes and day in the life content!
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