2022 IWMF Virtual Educational Forum – Panel The Patient Perspective on WM Topics

Hear from fellow Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (WM) patients who are navigating WM successfully, sometimes in complicated circumstances.

Participating in Clinical Trials- What you need to know to make the right decision for your treatment.

Being your own best advocate- How do you advocate for yourself without becoming too much of a pain in the neck? Tips and tricks
for navigating the often-confusing world of treating a rare cancer.

Living well with WM — How to find and take advantage of all the supports and strategies that are available to us


Ron Ternoway
Co-Leader of the Affiliate Support Group in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Marcia Klepac
Retired nurse/health educator and 21 WM survivor

Susanne Ohrn
Founded and leads WM Skandinavien

Peter DeNardis
IWMF Chair of the Board
