Evidence-Based Awe Practices: Awe & Resilience Symposium Session 1

This video is from the Awe & Resilience Symposium, a partnership between the Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) with the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

In this video, we first hear from our expert researchers on evidence-based awe practices:
Emiliana Simon-Thomas, PhD
Science Director, Greater Good Science Center, University of California – Berkeley (USA)
Susan Mangan, PhD
Thrive Center for Human Development (USA)
Jeff Thompson, PhD
Detective/Mental Health and Wellness Coordinator, NYPD
Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center (USA)

Following the presentations, expert panelists as they provide their insight on the research shared and ask the presenters for further information.

Peter Collins, MD
Associate Professor, University of Toronto; Forensic Psychiatrist, Criminal Behaviour Analysis Section, Ontario Provincial Police (Canada)

Golnaz Tabibnia, PhD
Assistant Research Professor, University of California – Irvine (USA)​​​

John Bale
Co-Founder and Managing Director, Fortem Australia (Australia)

See more videos at: www.resiliencesymposium.org.
